Wouldn’t it be nice to make a list for the weekend, check it twice and feel confident that all of the items will be neatly checked off by Monday morning? Well, this weekend it all depends upon what you choose to put on said list. With an eye on the calendar and the other eye on the weather you may have all sorts of visions of airing out the house, clearing the yard, and all other manner of spring cleaning. The problem with that plan is that it’s a surefire way to frustration. At least planetarily speaking.

While those of you savvy enough to understand Mercury retrograde may think you’re out of the woods, that’s only half true. Sure, Mercury is now back in gear and moving merrily forward, pointing out all sorts of errors that occurred while he was losing ground over the last three weeks. But that’s not the end of the story. Mars, planetary god of war and modern day man-in-charge of making things happen has lost his footing, too. But, unlike Mercury, this is not some quick turnaround. Mars will be slipping and sliding for almost three months.

Since there’s no out-waiting this particular planetary problem, the only way to get through it is to work with it. In this case, your primary actions have to be reviewed, revised, and renewed. This is no time to take the proverbial leap before looking and riding off half-cocked. In fact, the more you let your impatience get the better of you the more you’ll end up in cosmic time-out to ‘think about what you’ve done.’

Back to that list for this weekend— table those spring-cleaning campaigns for a bit. Pull back on the plans to make everything right with the world and turn your thoughts instead to rethinking some of your recent plotting and planning. Be still and listen to the world awaken around you and chances are you’ll also hear some of your own ideas reawaken.

Keep paper and pen handy and capture the ideas as they cascade into your consciousness. Avoid the fearful thoughts that this respite is putting you behind the ‘8’ ball. Eventually this time of caution and calmness will make sense. Your own plans, newly refreshed and revised, will roll out gracefully at just the right time. And thank heavens, you now know when that time will be.

Anne Windsor | 801.484.4628 | www.annewindsor.com | Schedule an Appointment
Life’s an adventure… be prepared!

Copyright 2014 Anne Windsor | Anne Windsor Astrology | All Rights Reserved

Luminous ™ is a weekly commentary for the readers of The Women’s Code. You may forward this comment in its entirety, including this Copyright Notice to individuals. No part of this work may be copied, stored, or disseminated in any format without express written permission from Anne Windsor Astrology. You may use this information for your personal use only. You may not use it in or distribute it to any astrological forum, class, or text. Please respect the time, effort, and expertise that is put into each commentary. Thank you. Anne Windsor, Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers.

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