
Happy Woman Happy World

Happy Woman Happy World
The Foolproof Fix to Get From Overwhelmed to Awesome


It’s not just the expectations society has on women that creates this crazy making idea of the perfect woman. It is women themselves who fail to define what success on their own terms looks like.

Beate Chelette

The Growth Architect

I’m so glad I found you, right now.

I’m reading Happy Woman Happy World and keep tearing up at parts. Yes to all of this. A million times yes. This is what I’ve been leaning into the last few years. It’s wonderful to feel heard. I appreciate you.
Val Selby

CEO, Live Boldy LLC

I highly recommend this book for women (including myself) who believe we have to be good at everything by ourselves – being a Mom, a Career Woman, having the perfect house, great cook, etc. This can lead us to burnout and even resentment of others whose “facebook” life looks perfect and we can think there is something wrong with us when our life doesn’t look that way. In this amazing book – Beate points out that there is another way – to determine what ego-rythym or main focus we are currently in and to prioritize our actions around that main focus rather than spreading ourselves too thin. She also provides wonderful advice on how to support and get help from others based on what their life focus currently is and how to create work/life balance for ourselves. This is an empowering book for women to support each other!
Deborah D

This is an amazing book, a guide and a handbook for every woman who wants health, happiness, love, success and a fulfilling career.

Brian Tracy

Motivational Speaker, Author of over 80 books

The Women’s Code imparts proprietary strategies that can take any woman from being “overwhelmed to awesome.” Women can have it all – just not at the same time. Beate offers the original time-based ego-RHYTHM® concept, which allows women to define what is most important during their various stages of life, then teaches them how to set a Main Focus, restructure their lives for Women Leadership, better Work-Life Balance and put an end to the “crazy-making” lifestyle.

This book is compassionate, useful, timely, and very helpful for women who are overworked, do not always put themselves first and who both have and are the targets of envy and ambivalence for and from other women. Chelette is a positive and practical thinker.

Phyllis Chesler Ph.D

Author of Women and Madness, Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman, and An American Bride in Kabul

About The Women’s Code

The Women’s Code is a return to our core values. It’s about taking responsibility for our lives and choosing to embark on a path where we are free to decide who we want to become and take action to get us there. No longer do women have to simply react to the circumstances around us. Now, women are defining and redefining who we are in this world.

Chelette discusses the struggles of today’s women in the workplace and how they sabotage career advancement, and addresses the culture of “mean girls,” the distasteful behavior that women perpetrate on each other which ultimately undercuts self-confidence and success. She introduces her ground-breaking system called The Women’s Code® – a new way for women to relate to each other with more awareness and a paradigm for teaching them how to get and give support, while collaborating to truly achieve happiness.

The Women’s Code promotes Balanced Leadership and Gender Equality.

Publisher: Chelette Enterprises, Inc.

Author: Beate Chelette

Published on: Revised Version April 6, 2017
Available on Amazon as Paperback, eBook and Audiobook

  • Paperback: 164 pages
  • Publisher: Chelette Enterprises, Inc.  (April 6, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0988986868
  • ISBN-13: 978-0988986862
  • Product Dimensions: 5.25 x 8 inches

Book reviews/Interviews:

Book review and author interview for Huffington Post: Read it here.

Video interview for Band of Women: Watch it here


Go to  and take your Free Balance Planning. In only 10 minutes Author Beate Chelette will walk you through how to create a balance plan that can transform your crazy busy week into balanced and manageable.

Beate’s style is approachable and down-to-earth, yet inspiring and kick-in-the-butt motivating.


This book gave me the tools to stop and understand where I am, how long I’m likely to be here. I appreciate that this book doesn’t try to change the way I interact with the world (that does not work for me). It doesn’t preach. It was helpful for me to write out what I truly want. I see my career is important, but most critical for me right now is being the best mom I can be. That will fulfill me most. Thank you for helping me pinpoint that, I feel like I’ve been in knots!

Carrie Hulbert

The concept of egoRHYTHM  is unique and enlightening.  It allows a person to accept and to embrace where she is in order to move on and not get stuck or discouraged.

Mondy Beller

Reading this book stabilized the way I look at my life and it has strengthened my foundation.

Tara B.

A positive and practical guide to living the best life you can. Understanding your own ego-RHYTHM will change your life. Women of all ages will benefit from this book.

Kelly DeLaat

Once I went through the exercise where I had to list my goals, my true self was revealed. Yes, I want to move ahead in my career and make more money – who doesn’t? I now have a game plan in place.

Karrie Blackburn

Reading this book was very therapeutic for me. It has helped me to recognize and accept where I am in my life – I feel as if a weight has been lifted, and now I can breathe.

Keila Baca

As a single mom of three young daughters and running my own company full-time, I can’t say enough about how the Women’s Code has helped and inspired me to recognize there is a time and season for everything. Thank you, Beate, for an incredible and defining book for all the woman of this world.

Lacy Arnold, CEO/Founder

Great book, inspiring and directional for women; relevant and helpful for men as well. I highly recommend it.

Jesse Aaron

Empowering! Beate’s words are inspirational for any woman who dares to reinvent herself. Reading this book was a positive, life changing experience for me, and my 25-year-old daughter found it to be equally valuable.


Each chapter was another “Aha!” moment! This book feels honest and genuine, and can serve as a catalyst for turning points in the lives of some women, and for others it can be a reassuring reminder of life’s ebb and flow.

J.J. Strang

This is a great read for any woman at any stage. It strikes just the right balance between inspiration and practicality.

Connie M. Deanon

This book is NOT an instant cure for all that ails us as women. Instead, it shows a path we can follow to help get us on the right track. I even think this is a great book for men to read so they can understand the career-minded women in their lives.


Thank you Beate Chelette, The Women’s Code has changed my life. It is a must read for women. There have been a few game changers. Most impactful, however, has definitely been the realization that I do not need to accomplish all of my goals at once and that it is OK (and necessary) to readjust my focus for maximum success in my life through strategic planning. Thank you so much for writing Happy Woman Happy World, I’ll definitely be passing it on to my friends

Danielle Lightbourn

I think the concept is amazing in its simplicity and I am going to be using it while I’m setting goals and making plans for the New Year. I especially love the concept of gradual improvement. This book helped me to define where I’m at in my life and where I want to be and gave me concrete strategies to work with. It’s the most hands-on self-help book I’ve read in ages!

Helena Ritchie

There is so much that this book has to offer. Women of all ages can enjoy this golden nugget. There is a rhythm to life. Being able to look back, take inventory, and realize this too shall pass is very liberating and extremely informative.

Melissa Mashburn

After doing the egoRHYTHM exercises, I gained a tremendous sense of satisfaction and appreciation for where I am in my life. And I feel confident that I will have it all!

Karen Dupuis

This book is an essential tool for anyone looking to achieve their dreams and more. You are just not getting a book, but a step-by-step method that will make sense of your past events, free your thinking, and manifest your goals. I am recommending it to my girlfriends.

Elaine Biss

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your book – it is going change the lives of millions of women!!!!

Benja Stig Fagerland

Beate is an inspiration to me. She is not only a dreamer, but also a “doer.” She follows through with every project with courage and grace. Now this book proves why that happens. Everyone should try it!

Pat Hunt

I so enjoyed your book. I believe you could make a remarkable difference in the communication and the lifestyles of women all over.


This is a great handbook for those women out there looking to grab their lives by the balls and make something happen!

Wendy Weitz

This book is a must-read for males and females alike. Not only does it shed light on female relationships, it also gives advice on how to approach them, how to form them, and, most importantly, how to navigate them. This book is a must have for any personal library.

Beth Shankle Anderson, Esq.

Understanding my ego-RHYTHM helped me to accept where I am right now. I learned to balance my time, and most importantly, find time for myself. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is feeling trapped and/or overwhelmed in their world and not sure how to move forward. The concepts will make you feel so much better about yourself.

Christine M. Rivera

This book is not only highly readable, it’s full of thoughtful insights. I was inspired and feel this is one of the few books that actually shifted the way I think about women and how I personally impact the world.

Carol Anne Wright

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