Uncertainty and overloaded schedules are prime conditions that can leave most of us feeling overwhelmed and distracted. If you are anxious and unsure how to get your head back in the game, you may be looking for ways to get yourself out of a funk. When you can’t figure out how to get yourself fired up and believe in yourself again, you can boost your confidence and reverse the mental burnout and dread by taking steps to shift your mindset.

Understand What Is Going On in Your Brain


One of the most important concepts to understand when looking at anything that has to do with our reaction to events, stressful situations, and times that create uncertainty is that your brain is hardwired to keep you where you are. I like to use the analogy of a USB port in your head that is plugged in and continually running an old program on a loop – over and over again. This old programming loves to bombard you with negative thoughts – This is too much work; What is this good for, anyway?; This will cost too much to accomplish; Why are you even thinking about doing this? – If you are in a funk, you know the thoughts that have crept into your mind and are running continuously.


To change this thought pattern, you must upload a new drive into your mind and override the old programming with a completely new code. This is the only way to get out of a reactionary mindset and quiet the thoughts causing so much dread and paralyzation to progress. 

Stop Choosing Distractors


You need to take action to stop the spiral of dread and negativity that is running over and over in your head and access different programming. The stagnant place you long to escape begins to disappear when you make a choice to focus on tasks. Whether you realize it or not, you have likely been falling into the temptation of distractors instead of choosing to complete tasks. When you catch yourself drifting off on websites, newsfeeds, Facebook, or Instagram – entertaining yourself with your favorite mindless activities – pause and recognize that these meaningless stops keep you from the tasks at hand and keep you from making progress and money. Stop choosing them and choose to focus. 

Tune Out the Chatter


By focusing on tasks, you learn to tune out the chatter going on all around you. Most of the chatter is negative, and a great majority is total conjecture – it may or may not even be the truth. I like to think of it as training yourself to hear it like the adults sound in the Peanuts cartoons – wha, wha-wha, what, what-wha, wha — you can learn to tune out the chatter, and that is all you will hear.


I want you to hear more than anything that you can shake this off! You have the power to shake off this dread and funk and break into a totally different mindset. If what you want has been done by someone else, then it is possible, and if it was possible for them, then it is absolutely possible for you. The question is not CAN you do it; the question is HOW you will go about doing it. Turn on the computer, start doing the work, pick up the phone, do the job, and keep doing the work until you achieve your desired results.

At the Growth Architect, we want to help you break through the past programming that keeps you defeated and in a funk and provide you with the strategies and tools to shift you into progress. That’s what we do! If you enjoyed this article, watch my video.

Let’s grow!



Beate Chelette is The Growth Architect & Founder of The Women’s Code, a training company specialized in providing companies an ROI on Balanced Leadership. She has been named one of 50 must-follow women entrepreneurs by the Huffington Post. A first-generation immigrant who found herself $135,000 in debt as a single parent, she bootstrapped her passion for photography into a highly successful global business and eventually sold it to Bill Gates in a multimillion-dollar deal.


Beate works with business leaders and supports organizations by developing and providing training the training, tools, and expertise to create and maintain a balanced, equal, and inclusive work environment that fosters creativity, employee engagement, and corporate growth.


Recent clients include Merck, Women’s Legislative Caucus of California, Cal State University Dominguez Hills, Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), NFTE, CreativeLive, the Association of Corporate Growth, and TracyLocke.


Beate is the author of the #1 International Amazon Bestseller “Happy Woman Happy World – How to Go From Overwhelmed to Awesome” a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.


To book Beate to speak or train please connect here. Your Time Is Valuable!

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