Peter Anthony is an author, speaker, and master of professional communication. In his book, Collabradabra, Peter highlights the six moments that matter most to maximize collaborative outcomes, one conversation at a time. And in this episode, he’s here to share his secrets on winning a pitch and avoiding losing one—both before and during the pitch.

Listen in as Peter breaks down the definition and importance of a pitch, sharing his unique perspective on the most common mistakes people make. Are you focusing too much on yourself? Relying too heavily on a PowerPoint presentation? You’ll learn the dos and don’ts of pitching, the importance of shifting the focus from yourself to the client, and invaluable tips on how to set yourself apart from the competition. 

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • The definition of a pitch and why it is essential.
  • The most common mistakes made during a pitch.
  • Where your focus should be during a pitch.
  • How to engage the investor during your pitch.
  • How to set yourself apart from other people pitching to your client.

Resources Mentioned:

Ideas Worth Sharing:

The more client-centric the approach is, the more successful your pitch will be. – Peter Anthony Click To Tweet

If you genuinely believe in what you do and you’re passionate about it, you should share that passion early. – Peter Anthony Click To Tweet

There is no 'closing sales.' There is only opening relationships. – Peter Anthony Click To Tweet

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