Instagram and online marketing can feel like a lot of noise and chaos with the different experts weighing in on algorithms, followers, and engagement. What does it really take to create content and build a social media presence that makes an impact? Today, the fabulous Sue Zimmerman, business coach, speaker, and leader in the Instagram marketing field is joining the show today. She is known for her strategy and comprehensive courses like Ready Set Gram.

In this episode, you will hear about Sue’s favorite strategies when it comes to social media marketing and her insight into the importance of having conversations and manifesting your success. She discusses how she got started on various social platforms and why Instagram has become so important and such a valuable part of her success. Sue also sheds light on the difference between an intimate connection and a highlight reel and where you need to be focusing in order to provide actual value on Instagram.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • How (and why) Sue transitioned into the online marketing world.
  • The importance of visual connection through great content.
  • Why content needs to be aligned with your strategy, business, and purpose.
  • The role of intentionality and manifestation in success.
  • How to cut through the social noise and distractions.
  • Why conversations need to be the backbone of a business.

Resources Mentioned:

Ideas Worth Sharing:

Content is literally, in my opinion, everything when it comes to building a successful sustainable online business using Instagram, as a marketing tool. – @SueBZimmerman Click To Tweet Strategy means intention, focus, showing up to your audience and sharing relevant information and content and really planning ahead. – @SueBZimmerman Click To Tweet If you're not having any conversations, you are missing out on opportunities, and opportunities are what lead to conversions, not the algorithm. – @SueBZimmerman Click To Tweet

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