Let me start by stating the obvious… If you are uninspired by the services you offer or the types of clients you attract, or if low sales figures make it hard to get by day-to-day, you are not doing anyone a favor by sticking to it—least of all yourself.
The tension that builds up makes us grumpy. We risk getting sick, our productivity goes down, and our personal lives are affected. Who wants to hang out with a downer? When nothing seems to go right and our frame of mind doesn’t allow us to see how it can get any better, that’s when our unhappiness can trap us in a downward spiral. We hit rock bottom and the emotional pain level becomes intense.
And it all starts with not enjoying the work we do.
So the question is: If we know we are miserable, then why is it so difficult to find a new path—one that makes us happy—before we risk personal Armageddon?
If you are looking for a cure for burnout and boredom, or if you are in the midst of a downward spiral emotionally or creatively, here are a few thoughts that might help you find your way out. The first step is always a journey inward. The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to change the focus of your photography business to something that excites you once again.
1.) Write down what makes you happy. A five-year old can blurt out exactly what he wants in three seconds flat. Relearn how to do the same. Make a big list of everything that comes to mind. When you know what makes you happy (even if it you think it sounds ridiculous or it isn’t related to photography), you are giving your brain clear signals to recognize when those things come around again.
2.) Acknowledge what you are really good at. It’s probably something that comes so easily to you that you can’t believe others struggle with it. You may even find yourself wondering, “What’s wrong with them?” As an example, building businesses is easy for me. I can’t imagine how someone else doesn’t clearly see like I do what a photography business needs to get to that next level. So, I have taken that strength and turned it into a career as a business coach and consultant. It makes me very happy and I am good at it.
3.) Ask your friends and family what they like about you and what they think your skills are. Listen up when sentences starts with, “You are so good at…” You are already perceived to be an authority in however that sentence ends.
4.) Dream on and fantasize away. Everything is possible. What would your ideal workday look like if you took all those great attributes you just identified and combined them with what makes you happy? Chances are that you have already recognized your dream career but it seemed like a fairytale then. Did you know that 99% of all new businesses aren’t about new ideas, but improving something that already exists? That means your new direction can be that fairytale photographer career focused on your favorite niche that is tailored to your strengths.
5.) The more outrageous your ideas are, the better. They are your ideas and you can think it as big as you wish. Change the world, make an impact, or do whatever it takes to live and work on the beach in an exotic location.
Happiness is a choice, and you can start making these decisions today. I want you to get out of the type of work that makes you miserable and create the photography business that makes you smile inside and out. Remember, if you are going to create your dream career, you may as well create it big—it’s the same amount of effort. And most importantly, have fun doing it.
Complimentary registration is now open for my Bootcamp “7 Steps on How To Book More Shoots and Fill Your Bank Account.” Here is one reason you should: You need to “see the light at the end of the tunnel” because your current path isn’t sustainable. You continue to log even more hours in your business and not on your business. Your income hasn’t changed. You’re still worried about finding your next new client. Just to remind you—bootcamp is free, without any obligation. The video trainings are delivered to your inbox daily. So even if you’re busy, you only need 5 minutes to see results. Bootcamp starts February 21st. http://www.PhotoBizCoach.com/bootcamp