You have something great to offer, but if people don’t discover you, how can they take advantage of your services and skills? Vinnie Potestivo is a content strategist and Emmy Award-winning creator and the host of I Have A Podcast. He shares valuable information on how to get discovered and ways to be more discoverable.

Vinnie has been at this for a long time and will be sharing key things he learned from MTV in the late 90s until now. He discusses the importance of claiming your story, claiming your narrative, and changing your reality. You will hear specific action items that you can try now with your team to help stand out and make contact with new audiences.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode:

  • Vinnie’s long history with marketing, distribution, content creation, and more.
  • How to leverage the content you own.
  • The role that strategy fits into content distribution.
  • How to pitch yourself.
  • The value of understanding and being understood.
  • The opportunities and learning that happen just by being in the room.
  • How to get discovered and get into the room.
  • The role of awards available and why you should go for them.
  • Where podcasters are missing out on the content creation game.

Resources Mentioned:

Ideas Worth Sharing:

That was the backbone of my success – I had technical skills, I created a database on Microsoft excel, created macros that moved the information from excel into spreadsheets and I was able to help creative companies figure out ways… Click To Tweet

The best way to introduce yourself to a new account is to pitch yourself as a source – not as a story. – @vinniepotestivo Click To Tweet I don’t control the brand, I can’t control my perception, but I can control what I do in public. – @vinniepotestivo Click To Tweet

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