You’ve heard before that you need to have an elevator pitch—that verbal polished gold which explains in a few seconds what you do and why you’re better at it than anyone else, without sounding like a narcissist. Well, it’s true. You do need a pitch. But it’s harder than it sounds to identify precisely what makes you so special. That’s why I want to help you discover your superskill.

A superskill is something you naturally excel at. It comes easily to you. Your friends ask for your help with it, and doing it is your favorite part of your job. In fact, you’ve probably wondered why others even struggle with it. “It’s the simplest thing in the world!”

I’ve designed a short class to help you discover your superskill and learn how to talk about it with ease. This superskill workshop was live streamed and recorded January 2018. This class includes a workbook that you can download at the CreativeLive platform. Here’s the link to that class:

In this short class I’ll show you step-by-step how to:

  • Identify and discover your superskill
  • Learn about your personality type using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Use your superskill to advance your career in a way that feels natural to you
  • Uncover your strengths and blind spots with a SWOT analysis
  • Build your confidence by focusing on your positive traits
  • Create a convincing Professional Value Proposition that will get you noticed for the right reasons
  • Communicate your strengths to your team, colleagues, superiors, and clients

If you’d like to hear more about how to discover your superskill and use this to advance your career, please watch this short video below.


If you want to check out the workshop, please click below.

Learn More about the Workshop Here


Beate Chelette is The Growth Architect and a results-oriented businesswoman with an entrepreneurial spirit and a proven track record in growing, building and scaling women’s businesses. Once $135,000 in debt and a single mother, she successfully sold her business to a global entertainment media company owned by Bill Gates in a multi-million dollar deal.

Through her online courses, one-on-one training programs and live speaking events, she mentors women entrepreneurs with her 5 Star Success Blueprint, developed with the knowledge gleaned from her growing, scaling and selling her own company. Beate has a deep commitment to supporting women.

She is the creator of The Women’s Code, the fourth step of Growth Architecture that is focused on Supporting Balanced Leadership. Her proprietary methods specifically address women’s obstacles and she leads from experience, having survived in business in a highly competitive male-dominated environment.

She is a respected speaker and mentor and is the author of the book “Happy Woman Happy World How to Go From Overwhelmed to Awesome”, a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

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