After the craziness of 2017 it’s time to shift gears into making positive impacts with the one thing we have full control over—ourselves. For my part, I’d like to support you in showcasing yourself and your superskill in the very best light. But, do you know what your superskill even is?

What is a superskill?

A superskill is something you are naturally really good at. Some people can break down complex processes like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Others can quickly identify the big picture of a project and know who is needed on the team to achieve the objectives. Or, perhaps you are a natural leader with a knack for getting the very best work out of people.

Does your superskill get the credit it deserves?

Interestingly, our own superskill is often more obvious to those around us than it is to ourselves. People may say things like, “I don’t know how you do it” or, “I could have never done this as fast as you” or, “You handled that incredibly!” These statements are telltale signs that a superskill lays beneath. You don’t even think about HOW you do that thing, and yet it stands out to your team members, family, and friends.

How can you discover your superskill?

I’m glad you asked! You can join me for a superskill workshop in Seattle on January 12th, or stream the live broadcast online for free.

In this workshop I will show you step-by-step how to identify your superskill.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify and understand your personality type using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
  • Figure out what you’re naturally good at and how you can use that to advance your career.
  • Build your confidence by focusing on the positive aspects of who you are.
  • Perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) to identify your superskill and blind spots.
  • Create a convincing Professional Value Proposition.
  • Communicate your strengths and skills to your team, colleagues, superiors, and clients.

If you are struggling with figuring out what your superskill is. Please check out this CreativeLIve course.


Beate Chelette is The Growth Architect and a results-oriented businesswoman with an entrepreneurial spirit and a proven track record in growing, building and scaling women’s businesses. Once $135,000 in debt and a single mother, she successfully sold her business to a global entertainment media company owned by Bill Gates in a multi-million dollar deal.

Through her online courses, one-on-one training programs and live speaking events, she mentors women entrepreneurs with her 5 Star Success Blueprint, developed with the knowledge gleaned from her growing, scaling and selling her own company. Beate has a deep commitment to supporting women.

She is the creator of The Women’s Code, the fourth step of Growth Architecture that is focused on Supporting Balanced Leadership. Her proprietary methods specifically address women’s obstacles and she leads from experience, having survived in business in a highly competitive male-dominated environment.

She is a respected speaker and mentor and is the author of the book “Happy Woman Happy World How to Go From Overwhelmed to Awesome”, a book that corporate trainer and best-selling author Brian Tracy calls “a handbook for every woman who wants health, success and a fulfilling career.”

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