My holiday message to you is a very personal one. This year was transformational in many ways. There were the usual and inevitable external changes; maybe you changed jobs, or a significant relationship changed or progressed or ended, children grew older, disasters struck, good luck happened. We went forward, we went back, and some things even stayed the same for a change.
And now we enter the holiday season and watch images of perfect husbands giving perfect cars to their perfect wives. Perfect children screaming with joy that they got exactly what they wanted. Perfect diamonds on sparkling necklaces, and crackling fireplaces enjoyed with loved ones, who are also perfect.
Feeling slightly sentimental, we wonder off to our favorite social media safe house like Facebook or Instagram and see more perfect people living perfect lives, flying in perfect planes to perfect vacation spots, sharing perfect memories.
Are you getting tired of all this perfection, too?
You know the truth. What you are seeing is the show in front of the curtain. That one moment where we shine, where we get to perform. We tend to forget all the work it took to create this perfect moment—blood, sweat, and all. It often takes years to get to this point. But we forget this when we are surrounded by so much perfection in other people’s lives.
As you, my dear reader and friend, are diving headfirst into this holiday season, I wish a simple wish for you. I wish you find perfection in the life you are presently living, and find comfort in those who are closest to you, no matter how imperfect they may be.
Celebrate your imperfect child who infected the whole family with that nasty virus! Be grateful for the gift you didn’t want and the weirdo family member who is a bit odd (but keeps things interesting). Don’t worry about the extra five pounds that you are definitely not going to lose over the holidays. Enjoy your staycation with your limited funds, and don’t be shy about showing off your gold-plated costume jewelry while you’re at it!
In the end, while having really cool stuff and going on exotic trips is truly very nice and fun, you know in your heart what matters most:
And the people you love.
And the experiences you share.
Allow me to point out the obvious just in case nobody has told you lately: You are simply perfection in this moment and every moment. You are worthy and you do matter. You can do anything you put your mind to.
With much love for your most perfect holiday season yet.
Your coach and mentor,